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Enfly Tractors

Enfly Tractors have evolved over the last 45 years from engineering technology out of England, Italy and Australia. These Tractors are assembled in China and sold exclusively in Australia by AgKing....

Tractor Scam Buyers Beware

Tractor scam, beware! It has been brought to our attention that there is a tractor scam in operation. Where possible, please go and view your tractor, if not possible, send someone for you or...

Welcome AgKing Seymour

Introducing AgKing Seymour! Seymour is a historic railway township located in the Southern end of the Goulburn Valley in the Shire of Mitchell, Victoria and is located 104 kilometres north of...

Why Consider A Chinese Tractor

Thinking about purchasing a Chinese manufactured tractor? Mention ‘Chinese tractor’ to a dealer who does not sell Chinese tractors and you will almost certainly be warned and cautioned! But is this...